Oral Presentations

There are three types of oral presentations:

  • Invited (40 min including discussion)
  • Regular (20 min including discussion)

Due to a hybrid mode of the conference, all presenters are kindly asked to take into account the time needed to swich from life to on-line presentations.

Oral presentations should be prepared in PDF or Power Point formats in 16:9 aspect ratio. In order to avoid any technical problems, please upload your presentation well ahead of time of your presentation (Technical Assistance will be available on Sept. 12 during Registration) or just send your file directly to technicians to e-mail adress: office@coti-conference.com

For on-line presenters, pre-recording of lectures is strongly recommended – more details will be sent to on-line presenters by email.


For posters, vertical AO format (maximum dimensions of posters should be 96cm x 230cm or less) should be used.